The artistic bookbinder Leivadiotis is a workshop located in the Ladadika area in Thessaloniki since 1951.

This was the first stop of the DIGI-ERASMUS TEAM at this first meeting: to know the art of book binding and create their own book.

The Leivadiotis bookbinding team provides personalized service from start to the end of book binding.
They are dedicated to providing customized and totally personal products, and also to retain the highest standards of bookbinding, using traditional techniques, adapted to the modern reality of life.

Book binding enterprise Livadiotis


A detail presentation of the company can be found here: BINDERY LIVADIOTIS

DIGIT 2 Erasmus+ Program © 2019 - 2023,
Program code: ΚΑ2 2019-1-FI01-KA202-060859

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